It’s race day and you’re struggling with the right words to say to your swimmer to give them the confidence, strength, and right attitude in order to compete well. We’ve all been there! The best thing to do is keep it simple! Here are 5 simple phrases to say to your swimmer to help them feel your support on race day without adding pressure.
5 Things to Say to your Swimmer Before a Swim Meet!
- “I love you” Keep it simple and give your swimmer a big hug before they go off to race. Just knowing they’re loved will allow them to compete well.
- “I love watching you swim” Believing that their swimming brings you joy will help them compete with a joyful spirit.
- “I believe in you” Knowing that you believe in their abilities will give them confidence and help them believe in themselves.
- “I’m proud of you” Swimmers who step up on the blocks knowing their parents are proud of them no matter what already have a leg up on the competition.
- “What can I do to support you today?” Put the ball in their court and ask them how you can best support them. This puts them in control and helps you know how you can best provide what your swimmer needs so they can do their best.
Regardless of what you say, your presence is the most important part. Showing up for your swimmer as much as possible shows them (rather than just tells them) that you care and support them which will allow them to thrive both in and out of the pool.
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