Fast Breaststroke Technique, Flip Turns, Open Turns & Finishes Swim Camp

West Mesa Aquatic Center
6705 Fortuna Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87121



Fitter & Faster is producing a 2-day swim camp at the West Mesa Aquatic Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico on October 19 & 20, 2024!

DAY 1 (Saturday, October 19): Breaststroke Technique 
DAY 2 (Sunday, October 20): Flip Turns, Open Turns & Finishes

Scroll down for details on the curriculum!
-> Availability in each session is limited to 24 participants to ensure the best learning experience.
-> SAVE when you purchase the “Entire Camp Bundle” for your swimmer's age group.

Ages 9 to 12: Check in 8 AM, Camp 8:15-10:45 AM
Ages 13 & over: Check in 11:30 AM, Camp 11:45-2:45 PM

Participantes sugeridos

Our top priority is to provide a world-class learning experience for all participants at all of our camps. This camp has sessions for swimmers ages 9 to 12 and 13 & older. Participants will range from one-year of competitive swimming experience to AAAA times and faster. If you are the parent of a child under the age of 9 and would like for your child to be considered for the younger sessions of this camp, please complete this questionnaire.

Plan de estudios


Over two days, swimmers will work with our elite clinicians to elevate their breaststroke technique and refine skills needed to achieve quick, powerful turns and finishes. On day 1, participants will focus on reducing resistance, improving timing, and developing a strong, efficient breaststroke. Then, on day 2, they will refine and enhance skills needed for high-speed pivots, maintaining momentum into and out of each wall, and honing both flip turns and open turns to seamlessly transition between laps and power through to a strong finish.

    Day 1 (Saturday, October 19): BREASTSTROKE TECHNIQUE

    Out of the eight finalists at the Olympic Games, you might see eight different styles of breaststroke! A swimmer's timing and ability to eliminate resistance are hallmarks of an efficient and powerful breaststroker. No matter your swimmer’s level, this session will strengthen their technique and lead to faster and more efficient breaststroke races… and faster IM’s!

    • BODYLINE: A breaststroke race is going to be fastest with a proper bodyline. Even the slightest adjustment of the chin, neck, and/or back can make a huge difference. Elite breaststrokers focus on minimizing drag by “catching water” on their hands and feet as quickly as possible, so they can shoot back into a “straight bodyline” where they can glide at top speed.
    • KICK: The kick creates a lot of the power in breaststroke. Swimmers need to keep their knees high in the water and snap their feet quickly around and back to create a powerful kick. Our clinicians will work with participants to strengthen their kick for the ultimate propulsion forward!
    • PULL: The name of the game in breaststroke is to create as much propulsion as possible in the pull while minimizing resistance… and then quickly getting back into a straight bodyline to establish a high speed glide. Participants at this session will focus on setting up a proper "catch" and keeping their hands and elbows high on the water throughout the entire pull. The techniques your swimmer will practice will minimize resistance and enable them to maintain forward momentum for the fastest breaststroke.
    • TIMING: Fast, flowing breaststroke is the result of proper timing between a swimmer’s hands and feet. Establishing proper timing in your swimmer’s breaststroke will allow for more fluidity, power and speed. Participants in this session will learn how elite swimmers time their breaststroke for ultimate efficiency and the fastest races.

    Day 2 (Sunday, October 20): FASTER FLIP TURNS, OPEN TURNS & FINISHES

    Quick, powerful turns and finishes are crucial to fast times and winning close races. The top age group and elite swimmers aren't using walls just for turning around - they are used to generate speed and momentum going into the next lap. Elite swimmers are constantly working their turns and looking for areas to improve them. Today, we're going to work with your swimmer on taking this crucial part of every race (and practice) to the next level!

    • MOMENTUM: The fastest swimmers use walls to generate speed and momentum going into the next lap. Outside of the elite ranks, many swimmers stop or slow down while going into the wall, which kills their momentum! We will work with participants on the intricacies of approaching every wall at top speed and seamlessly initiating their “turn”.
    • FLIP TURNS: Flip turns are an opportunity for your swimmers to increase momentum in the middle of a race! Flip turns in which the athletes slow down or have “mechanical” movements negatively impact the speed at which a swimmer comes off the wall. We will work with your swimmer to produce fast flip turns so that they can explode off the walls at maximum speed.
    • OPEN TURNS: Elite butterflyers and breaststrokers utilize speed from their last lap to create momentum and even more speed at the beginning of the next lap. Their open turns are actually not “turns”, but more like high-speed pivots. Participants in this session will work on these techniques to have much faster open turns!
    • FINISHES: Setting yourself up for a fast finish is very similar to setting yourself up for a strong turn in any race. Races are won and lost by hundredths-of-a-second at every swim meet. Many races come down to the last few strokes. At this camp, your swimmer will learn techniques to set themselves up for a well-timed finish when they are still about 10 yards from the wall.


    Swimmers and parents are invited to ask the clinicians questions during a Q&A session. Gain insight into their training regimen, diet and nutrition, and recovery tactics.


    Observe clinicians swim at full speed and demonstrate a progression of perfectly executed drills to achieve powerful, efficient and fast swimming.


    Swimmers will get to practice what they've learned by taking their stroke to your top speed with some of the best swimmers and coaches in the world! They'll work on holding onto their form while challenging themselves.

    Take a photo, get autographs, and chat with your clinicians!

    Inquisitive, Educated Swimmers are Faster Swimmers! Sign up today!

    Lead Clinician

    Gabby Hillis combines her love for swimming and passion for working with young athletes in a career as a swim coach. She strives to help swimmers learn, grow, share, improve and enjoy what they are doing. She says, "Any positive impact I can make towards a swimmer’s success makes it all worth it!”.