Race Strategy & Execution Swim Camp: IM’s & Fast 200’s For Ages 13 & Over

Yerba Buena High School
1855 Lucretia Ave, San Jose, CA 95122

  • 32days
  • 09hours
  • 05minutes
  • 31seconds


Fitter & Faster is producing a 2-day swim camp for competitive swimmers ages 13 & over  at Yerba Buena High School in San Jose, California on October 12 & 13, 2024! Click here for the swim camp page for ages 10 to 12.

DAY 1 (Saturday, October 12): The IM's
DAY 2 (Sunday, October 13): Fast 200's in Any Stroke

Scroll down for details on the curriculum!
-> Availability in each session is limited to 24 participants to ensure the highest level learning experience.
-> SAVE when you purchase the “Entire Camp Bundle” for your swimmer.

SESSION START TIMES FOR BOTH DAYS: Check in 12:30 PM, Camp 12:45-3:45 PM

Suggested Participants

Our top priority is to provide a world-class learning experience for all participants at all of our camps. This camp has sessions for swimmers ages 13 & older. Participants will range from one-year of competitive swimming experience to AAAA times and faster. If you are the parent of a child under the age of 13, click here! 



Over 2 days, our swim camp will unravel the complexities of IM and 200-race strategies for your swimmer. They'll explore various approaches to optimize their performance, from mastering stroke transitions in the IM to maintaining speed and power throughout the 200s. They'll learn to analyze their strengths and weaknesses and tailor their race plan for maximum success. This camp is an opportunity for your swimmer to unlock their full potential in these demanding events and achieve their best times.

    DAY 1 (Saturday, October 12): THE IM's

    Go out hard or go out strong? Which IM leg should be pushed harder? These are critical questions that can make or break your swimmer's IM race. Our clinicians will guide your swimmer through various pacing strategies, helping them understand when to hold back and when to unleash their full potential. Your swimmer will learn how to adapt these strategies to their strengths, weaknesses, and racing style, ensuring they race smarter AND faster!

    • IM STRATEGY: Every IM swimmer has a different strategy that they have developed over years of practice and racing. At this session, our Elite Clinicians will work with swimmers to develop a deeper understanding of utilizing their own unique strengths and weaknesses to build a customized race plan that will help them swim faster!
    • STROKE LENGTH: There are many ways for a swimmer to adjust their strokes to maximize efficiency or speed. Lengthening distance per stroke at critical times in an IM can help conserve energy. Swimmers can also prioritize tempo in their stroke to try to accelerate or finish strong! Elite athletes know themselves and how they need to adjust their strokes. Participants will learn how to seamlessly change these elements within their strokes to maximize the effectiveness of their strategy.
    • IM RACING: Many swimmers have different strategies while racing, especially when in the IM’s! Swimmers will need to adjust their racing strategy based on how they stack up among their competitors during the race. Swimmers will work with their elite clinicians on balancing energy expenditure while competing against others to find the ideal combination for IM races!
    • STRATEGY REINFORCEMENT & TRAINING: Swimmers will work with our clinicians on finessing different IM racing techniques learned during the session. They will also go through a training set developed by our clinicians and the Fitter and Faster coaching team to help swimmers maintain their strategy and technique through fatigue!
    • IM TRANSITIONS: The back-to-breast transition has a couple of ways that swimmers can approach it. Our elite clinicians will work with participants to finesse their IM transitions and explore different types of transition turns to have the tools to go from the backstroke to the breaststroke leg the fastest way possible!

    DAY 2 (Sunday, October 13): FAST 200's IN ANY STROKE

    “How should I swim this race?” How many times have you heard this? Swimmers of all ages and abilities have the same question. Races of 200 yards and meters are some of the most fun to swim and watch because of the wide variety of strategies that swimmers use. There are many different ways to swim a fast 200 in every stroke. The name of the game is understanding all the different ways to execute the race and seeing what works best for your swimmer!  

    • STRATEGIES: At this camp your swimmer will learn various strategies that elite swimmers have executed with top results. Before your camp you will be emailed links to several elite level races of 200 yards or meters across all strokes, along with a brief summary of each. At the camp we will discuss and practice those strategies.
    • "EASY SPEED": Establishing stroke length with the proper tempo after the breakout is essential to setting up a strong 200 in any stroke. Going as fast as we can with ease is the key to “easy speed”. We don’t want to kick or pull too hard on the first 50. This will cause early fatigue. Swimmers will work on techniques to swim as fast as they can in all strokes with “ease”.
    • CONTROL: Your elite clinician will teach participants how to manipulate their speed and energy at different points in a race.
    • FRONT-END & BACK-END SPEED: The first 100 (front-end) and second 100 (back-end) of the 200 can be broken up to ensure an effective plan. Some swimmers go out really fast and hang on, while others control the first 100 and try to back-end the race at full speed. Testing new strategies at this camp will give your swimmer confidence in their next race.
    • UNDERWATER KICK COUNT: Figuring out the optimal number of kicks off each wall is essential to a fast 200. A swimmer wants to spend only the absolute necessary amount of time underwater to establish speed with each length. We want to avoid losing our breath and/or taking weak kicks.
    • BREATHING PATTERN: Establishing a breathing pattern will help the swimmer stay focused and relaxed on their own swim. It will also help them finish the race with enough oxygen to close the race at full speed.
    • ESTABLISHING A PLAN: A racer should have a plan for the race before it is swum! What’s your plan for front-end and back-end speed? How much time will you spend underwater before your first breath? How often will you breath each length?
    • TEST THE PLAN IN PRACTICE: Now we test it! Swimmers will do a complete short set at the end of the session to practice racing the plan and stroke under race conditions. We’ll get off the blocks and practice some front end swims, push some back end swims, and race some straight 200’s.
    • CONFIDENCE: One of the essential elements to dropping time and swimming fast is being willing to try new strategies when swimming a race. It’s ok to feel nervous and a little bit uncomfortable before your race! Entering a race with a strategy will help your swimmer with their confidence… and that confidence will help propel them to the results they aim to achieve.


    Swimmers and parents are invited to ask the clinicians questions during a Q&A session. Gain insight into their training regimen, diet and nutrition, and recovery tactics.


    Observe clinicians swim at full speed and demonstrate a progression of perfectly executed drills to achieve powerful, efficient and fast swimming.


    Throughout the camp, swimmers will practice what they've learned with some of the world's most elite Swimmer Clinicians and coaches!

    Take a photo, get autographs, and chat with your clinicians!

    Inquisitive, Educated Swimmers are Faster Swimmers! Sign up today!

    • 32days
    • 09hours
    • 05minutes
    • 31seconds
    Lead Clinician

    Fitter and Faster clinicians are Olympians and National Team members who have achieved at the highest level of the sport of swimming... and who have the unique skill to teach what they know from a technical perspective to swimmers of all ages and abilities.