Past Clinic: High Performance Racing Technique

San Clemente Aquatics Center
987 Avenida Vista Hermosa, San Clemente, CA 92673

A description of what was covered at this past clinic is below the upcoming clinics.

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Past Clinic


Three Session Swim Camp

On Friday and Saturday the sessions for swimmers ages 12 & over are focused on the differences in freestyle technique for sprinting, middle distance swimming and distance swimming. Each day will focus on technique and strategy for different race distances. Sign up for one or both sessions!

Swimmers 11 and under should sign up for the clinic focusing on the two fastest parts of every race: the start and turns.

The clinician leading each session will be Elite Clinician and the first and only American to swim both open water and pool swimming in a single Olympics: Jordan Wilimovsky! Scroll down for more details on the curriculum.

Suggested Participants

SAVE: Sign up before prices increase or the sessions fill up.

Jordan will be in the water leading 3 sessions.


Session 1 (12 & Older): Middle and Long Distance Freestyle

Distance freestyle technique is all about efficiency. Elite distance swimmers like Jordan Wilimovsky have mastered the technique required to swim fast and efficiently in order to maintiain speed throughout a longer race. At this session, Jordan will work with participants to improve in their distance freestyle races.

  • BODY POSITION: Swimming with the proper body position includes an engaged core, good posture, and a low head position. When each of these components is accomplished, the swimmer will get a sense of swimming with less drag which allows for a more efficient stroke.
  • ARM PULL: Focus on long and powerful arm pulls that maximize the amount of time as well as the amount of surface area pressing back into the water. The key is an early vertical forearm to achieve a high elbow catch. Jordan will teach you how!
  • ROTATION: Creating power in each stroke comes from the core with a strong, connected, and balance rotation. Your swimmer will work to engage their core and feel the increased power possible through the proper roation techniques.
  • BREATH: When a swimmer breathes in freestyle, the stroke shouldn't change other than a slight turning of their head. A spectator should barely be able to tell that the swimmer is breathing. Achieving a low and quck breath that maintains the same tempo, body position, and rotaiton within the stroke, takes practice and skill. Work with Jordan to remain efficient when taking a breath.

Session 2 (12 & Older): Sprint Freestyle

The technique required for an explosive and fast sprint freestyle stroke has many differences in comparison to a distance freestyle stroke! Participants at this session will work with Olympian Jordan Wilimovsky to up the tempo, drive their legs, and create explosive speed in shorter freestyle races.

  • KICK: Having a fast kick is extremely important to driving the momentum for sprint freestyle. Your swimmer should look like they have a motor behind them! Work with Jordan to create speed and power with a fast kick at this session.
  • BODY POSITION: Stabilizing through the core with the proper body postiion enables a swimmer to cut through the water with less resistance. Maintaining that balance while kicking and pulling with explosive power can take some practice, but Jordan Wilimovsky will work on drills and exercises to ensure that your swimmer can feel the proper positioning.
  • ARM PULL: The arm pull in sprint freestyle is more than just moving your arms as fast as you can! The key is maintaining length and power while also achieving the necessary fast tempo! Jordan will focus on teaching your swimmer extension, a strong catch, and a powerful finish before adding in speed.
  • BREATH: Sprinters should limit the amount of breahts they take in their races, but by how much? Your swimmer will work on their breathing technique, timing, and they'll also create a plan for how many breaths to take in their sprint races.

Session 3 (11 & Under): Starts and Turns

Did you know that the fastest a swimmer is ever moving is off the start and during the pushoff of every turn? Many swimmers don't generate enough power and then add in extra movements that slow them down by creating drag. This session will focus on maximizing the speed and power created at the start, then maintaining their momentum through every flip turn and open turn with Olympian Jordan Wilimovsky.

  • STARTS: How you set up on the block including proper hand and foot placement can allow your swimmer to explode forward with a lot of explosive power. Jordan will work with each swimmer to find their best position on the block as well as how to launch their body forward explosively into a tight streamline and enter through a small hole.
  • FLIP TURNS: Your swimmer will learn how to carry their momentum through the turn to get in and out of every wall faster. Swimmers will practice accelerating into the wall with long strokes and then using their core and arms to get through the turn. They'll practice planting their feet on the wall for a powerful pushoff in the perfect streamline. Jordan will give the swimmers drills and exercises to help them master this athletic skill now as well as in the future!
  • OPEN TURNS: Think about the open turn differently! You should not be making an open to turn around and swim the next lap. If you're doing this - you're actually stopping and then trying to regain speed again. An expertly executed open turn involves spinning backwards. This enables you to carry momentum into the pushoff. We're going to teach you how to cut a lot of time on this turn... helping you in all of your breaststroke and butterfly races!


Swimmers and parents are invited to ask Jordan questions during a Q&A session. Gain insight into his training regimen, diet and nutrition, and recovery tactics.


Observe Jordan swim at full speed and demonstrate a progression of perfectly executed drills to achieve powerful, efficient and fast swimming.


Practice what you've learned by taking your stroke to your top speed with one of the best swimmers in the world! Hold on to your form while having the opportunity to challenge yourself.

Take a photo while wearing Jordan's medals, get autographs, and a gift from TYR Sport!

Inquisitive, Educated Swimmers are Faster Swimmers! Sign up today!

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