Past Clinic: 2022 Hollister, CA Swim Camp

Baler Aquatic Center
San Benito Street, Hollister, CA 95023

A description of what was covered at this past clinic is below the upcoming clinics.

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Past Clinic


Fitter & Faster is coming back to Hollister, CA for two, 2-day camps on April 2nd & 3rd, 2022! SAVE when you purchase a camp "Bundle" based on your swimmer's age group!

Comprehensive Freestyle Racing Camp (Ages 11 & Under) - April 2 & 3
     -> DAY 1: High Performance Freestyle Technique
     -> DAY 2: Freestyle Racing & Training Skills

Elite Speed & Power Camp (Ages 12 & Over) - April 2 & 3
     -> DAY 1: Generating Power!
     -> DAY 2: Creating and Maintaining Speed!

Click the “Curriculum Menu” below for details on each camp! Session sizes are limited to only 24 participants to allow for the best learning experience.

Select a curriculum below

Freestyle Comprehensive Racing Camp
Comprehensive Freestyle Racing Camp (11 & Under)
Freestyle Comprehensive Racing Camp
Elite Speed & Power Camp (12 & Over)
Session TimesSession Times & Groups
Freestyle Comprehensive Racing Camp

Comprehensive Freestyle Racing Camp (11 & Under)

Freestyle is the first stroke we learn. It’s the stroke we swim the most at practice. There are more freestyle races and relays at meets... and it is the fastest stroke to move through the water. As with any other stroke, the more efficient and powerful your technique - the more success you will experience with your practices and freestyle races as your career progresses. Over two days, your swimmer, no matter their level, will improve their freestyle technique, racing and training skills!

  • DAY 1: HIGH PERFORMANCE FREESTYLE TECHNIQUE (April 2): Cultivating good habits to swim high level freestyle begins as soon as you learn the stroke. Even if your swimmer is already in high school - it’s never too late to begin practicing techniques that will drastically improve their efficiency, power and times. Today, your swimmer will work on techniques to strengthen their bodyline, catch, kick, pull, and breathing pattern.
  • Bodyline: A freestyle race is going to be fastest with the proper bodyline. Even the slightest adjustment of the chin, neck, and/or back can make a huge difference. As swimmers mature in the sport and grow physically, their body position shifts and often bad habits are created. Participants will learn and practice proper posture and engagement of their core to have a strong foundation for better technique - creating a full-body connection for more hydrodynamic and efficient strokes.
  • Rotation: Freestyle is fastest and most efficient when a swimmer’s body is “rotating” around their spine with each stroke. This part of swimming freestyle has a big effect on maintaining a proper bodyline. Participants will practice activating their core muscles to form a powerful connection from head to toe with every stroke - resulting in faster freestyle.
  • Kicking: A swimmer’s kick is the motor behind their freestyle! There are obviously proper and improper ways to kick which we will review at the camp. Just as important, however, is practicing the complexities of how and when swimmers need to “shift gears” in their legs to become stronger and faster racers.
  • Pull: The pull in freestyle keeps a swimmer balanced and accelerating forward. Essentially the best swimmers are creating a paddle with every stroke. The clinicians will work with participants to establish an early vertical forearm “the catch”, enabling the swimmer to put immediate pressure back on the water. Properly completing the stroke keeps the swimmer moving forward efficiently and fast.
  • DAY 2: FREESTYLE RACING AND TRAINING SKILLS (April 3): The technique for swimming a fast freestyle race changes depending on the distance. Learning to prioritize tempo and length of stroke, while maintaining efficiency has a huge impact on maximizing speed for sprints or increasing endurance for distance races.
  • Length of Stroke: A long stroke will enable your swimmer to “catch” and hold onto more water to propel them as they swim. Whereas, a short stroke is inefficient and not sustainable for very long. The clinicians will work with participants on this important skill for fast swimming.
  • Tempo: Tempo is the rate at which a swimmer is moving their arms and legs. When sprinting short races many swimmers often tend to take too many strokes (“spin their wheels”) and not “hold onto the water”. At this camp we will explore different tempos that suit your swimmer for different distances.
  • Pacing/Control: A swimmer’s tempo will change depending on the race that they are swimming. It may also change at different points during the same race! Your elite clinician will teach participants how to manipulate their tempo, speed and energy at different points in a race. This is called Pacing or “Control”.
  • Breathing Pattern: Establishing a breathing pattern will help the swimmer stay focused and relaxed during their swim. It will also help them finish the race with enough oxygen to close the race at full speed.
  • Speed Set: At the end of this session your swimmer will do a short and fast swim set to practice everything they have learned over the past two days.
Freestyle Comprehensive Racing Camp

Elite Speed & Power Camp (12 & Over)

Due to the advanced concepts covered in this camp, this camp is exclusively for swimmers ages 12 & older. Swimming fast requires good technique, efficiency, power, and a hard working athlete. Elite swimmers are always working on this. At the Elite Speed and Power Camp, participants will advance their skills that apply to fast swimming in every stroke.

  • DAY 1 - GENERATING POWER! (April 2): Developing power will help your swimmer be more efficient and stronger in the water! To strengthen swimming specific movements, the elite clinicians will work with participants on improving power in their strokes, using resistance training and dynamic warm-ups to their advantage.
  • Gear to Bring with You: Please bring a t-shirt to swim in, your snorkel, paddles, fins and a pair of gym sneakers to this camp!
  • Dynamic Warm-up: In order to go fast, you need to be warm! The clinicians will take participants through a combination of light cardio exercises and dynamic stretches to get the blood flowing to the muscles and loosen joints in preparation to SWIM FAST! Remember: Bring your Gym Shoes!
  • Establishing Your Catch to Maximize Power in Your Stroke: The only way to generate maximum power in your stroke is by “holding” as much water as possible. That process begins with “your catch” at the top of every stroke. At this camp your clinicians will work with you to ensure you are grabbing onto and holding water throughout your stroke.
  • Resistance Training: Resistance is an excellent method of building power - especially in the water. It also helps to expose areas within your technique that can be strengthened. The clinicians will take your swimmer through resistance training methods! Properly swimming with hand paddles and a T-shirt will add resistance and develop power! Remember: Bring a t-shirt to swim in and your hand paddles!
  • DAY 2 - CREATING & MAINTAINING SPEED (April 3): Your swimmer is going to learn how to swim at top speeds while continuing to leverage the powerful stroke that we worked on the day before! On Day 1, participants swam slower than they normally swim because of the resistance we added to establish a “powerful stroke”. Today is about swimming FASTER than you normally swim with assistance from fins and paddles.
  • Gear to Bring with You: Please bring a t-shirt to swim in, your snorkel, paddles, fins and a pair of gym sneakers to this camp!
  • "Overspeed Training": Practice how to swim with good technique at speeds faster than you’ll ever go in a race with the assistance of fins and paddles. We will utilize overspeed drills in and out of turns, in their breakouts and finishes. Remember: Bring your fins and hand paddles!
  • Tempo: One way to increase efficiency is to take fewer strokes. Improving technique to decrease the number of strokes your swimmer takes will enable them to go further faster - that’s when times DROP!
  • Maintaining Technique Through Fatigue: When swimmers get tired, their technique can break down. We are going to work with participants on how to handle fatigue. Competitive swimmers who focus on technique through fatigue in practice and in races reap the rewards of faster times.
  • Speed Set: At the end of this session your swimmer will do a short and fast swim set to practice everything they have learned over the past two days.


  • 11 & Under Swimmers: Check in 9 AM, Clinic 9:15-11:45 AM
  • 12 & Over Swimmers: Check in 12:45 PM, Clinic 1-4 PM
Suggested Participants: This camp is designed for swimmers with a minimum of one-year of competitive swimming experience all the way up to AAAA times and faster. Swimmers younger than 9 years old are not invited without submitting their times or swimming history to Fitter and Faster.


Swimmers and parents are invited to ask the clinicians questions during a Q&A session. Gain insight into their training regimen, diet and nutrition, and recovery tactics.


Observe clinicians swim at full speed and demonstrate a progression of perfectly executed drills to achieve powerful, efficient and fast swimming.


Swimmers will get to practice what they've learned by taking their stroke to your top speed with some of the best swimmers and coaches in the world! They'll work on holding onto their form while challenging themselves.

Take a photo with the clinicians, get autographs, and ALL PARTICIPANTS receive a FREE Fitter and Faster GIFT!

Lead Clinician

Atiba Wade is a strength and conditioning coach who creates programs designed for swimmer specific and athletically focused exercises that meet the demands of a competitive aquatic environment. Atiba was also a 2x Olympic Trials Qualifier and a University of Georgia All American Swimmer! Sign up for a clinic with Atiba and improve your fitness and swimming technique while challenging yourself and having fun!

Inquisitive, Educated Swimmers are Faster Swimmers! Sign up today!

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