Past Clinic: Bloomington, IN
Bloomington, IN
A description of what was covered at this past clinic is below the upcoming clinics.
Upcoming Swim Clinics and Camps
Within 250 miles of Bloomington, IN.
Past Clinic
Sign up now for an action-packed swim clinic for swimmers seven and older with two of Team USA’s fiercest competitors: Joyce and Weltz. This clinic will be divided into two groups so that participants will receive age appropriate instruction. Participants will learn the essentials to faster, smarter swimming and these Olympians' coveted secrets to success.
A snapshot of what to expect at the clinic on April 12th in Bloomington, IN:
Inspired Swimmers are Dedicated Swimmers! Sign up before tickets sell out.
Each Fitter and Faster Swim Tour Presented by clinic is designed to focus on the unique strengths and experiences of the clinicians at that specific clinic. That's why participants have been to three, four or five FFT clinics throughout the country.
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